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Radio-sensor technical diagnosis complex electronic assembly

© 2022 K. A. Boikov

MIREA – Russian Technological University 119454 Moscow, prosp. Vernadsky, 78, Russia

Received 14 Feb 2022

The main advantages of the method of passive radiosensor technical diagnostics (PRTD) over the most significant methods for determining the technical condition (vibrometry, thermal control, JTAG testing, optical control) are: no inertia, no processor time, no galvanic contact with the object of study. In modern scientific literature, almost no attention is paid to the analysis of signal radio profiles (SRP) of the electrical component of electromagnetic radiation created by the electronic device itself. The purpose of this study is to develop the PRTD method by analyzing complex SRPs with decomposition and parameter extraction. The paper presents expressions for the oscillatory redistribution of energy, which describe the process of formation of the SRP. A new method of SRP decomposition is proposed, which makes it possible to obtain information about the main parameters of the emitters of the electronic assembly. An experiment was prepared and carried out to register and study the SRP of a composite electronic assembly in various operating modes. The values of the SRP parameters were obtained, indicating the presence of a malfunction in the electronic unit, or an incorrect mode of operation. These studies can be used in PRTD, in determining hardware failures, or degradation of element parameters in the early stages.

Key words: signal radio profile, correlation analysis, signal decomposition, parameter extraction, technical diagnostics

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009222030027

Cite: Boikov K. A. Radiosensornaya tekhnicheskaya diagnostika slozhnogo elektronnogo uzla [Radio-sensor technical diagnosis complex electronic assembly]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2022. V. 36(3). P. 252–261 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009222030027


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