The dimensions of a growing child’s eye are quickly adjusted to the focusing of the dominant spectral band of
illumination. It is the prevailing type of lighting that plays an important role in the formation of the eyeball in
childhood. Everyday use of lamps with a predominance of the red component in the spectral composition can lead to
elongation of the eye (myopia) in the most crucial period of development. These changes may be irreversible, among other
things. In the paper various parameters of the eyes of quail chicks were measured at different age points during the
maturation period. The method of acoustic microscopy was used for the study. Measurements were carried out for two
groups of birds. Thefollowing were takenas everyday lighting: incandescent lampin the first case, and LED lamp with a
dominant spectral band of 525–700 nm in the second case. The obtained results show the disadvantages of incandescent
lamp using as everyday lighting during the formation of the adolescent’s eyeball.
Key words:
eye, children’s myopia, everyday lighting, Japanese quail, acoustic microscopy
DOI: 10.31857/S0235009222030088
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