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Mismatch between electrophysiological and behavioral measurements: example from auditory system of noctuid moths (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)

© 2022 D. N. Lapshin

Institute for information transmission problems (Kharkevich Institute) 127051 Moscow, Bolshoy Karetny per. 19, build. 1, Russia

Received 25 Mar 2022

Mismatch between the sensory thresholds measured in behavioral and physiological experiments is a common phenomenon. In audition, such difference may be present both in the absolute values of thresholds and in the shape of frequency- threshold curve. When the primary auditory neurons demonstrate lower thresholds then the mismatch may be attributed to the motivation of an animal in behavioral experiment. The reasons for the opposite difference are less clear. Here we present behavioral auditory measurements on noctuid moths Agrochola macilenta Hbn. and Scoliopteryx libatrix L. which were tested with series of acoustic pulses (10–140 kHz) similar to the echolocation calls of bats. In both species, the averaged frequency-threshold plots were similar in form to the physiological audiograms of the primary auditory neurons (A1 and A2), however, behavioral thresholds were by ca. 35 dB lower than the physiological ones. We discuss the possible mechanisms of adjustment of the acoustic sensitivity in intact moths, and also how the methods of recording of motor activity of a moth in behavioral experiment may affect the results.

Key words: Noctuidae, acoustic perception, frequency tuning, tympanic organ, flight

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009222030040

Cite: Lapshin D. N. Protivorechiya v dannykh elektrofiziologicheskikh i povedencheskikh eksperimentov na primere rezultatov testirovaniya slukhovoi sistemy babochek – sovok (lepidoptera, noctuidae) [Mismatch between electrophysiological and behavioral measurements: example from auditory system of noctuid moths (lepidoptera, noctuidae)]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2022. V. 36(3). P. 234–243 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009222030040


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