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Regeneration of the Helix lucorum visual body in a 185-day orbital flight et the International Space Station

© 2022 G. I. Gorgiladze

Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS 123007 Moscow, Khoroshevskoe higyway, 76a, Russia

Received 10 Sep 2021

The article presents the results of the space experiment (SE) “Regeneration-1” on the gastropod ground pulmonary mollusk Helix lucorum. The 101 Snails were divided into three experimental groups: a flight group (FG) and two control groups – a synchronized escort group (SG) and a vivarium group (VG). Eye tentacles were amputated in all snails 10–11 hours before the onset of SE. The FG snails were transported to the International Space Station in a special lightproof container on the Soyuz TMA-19 manned spacecraft. The duration of the exposure in the orbital flight was 185 days and 22 hours. The SG snails were kept in a similar flight container at a temperature close to the onboard one. VG snails were kept in spacious terrariums under normal light conditions and temperatures of 20–22C, and had free access to food and water. The state of vision of native and regenerated eyes was assessed by morphological parameters, total electrical activity of the retina and spike activity of the optic nerve to single and paired light stimuli of different brightness and duration. After the completion of the experiment, regeneration of the eye tentacles with functioning eyes was observed in 75% of FG snails, 64% of SG snails and 94% of VG snails. The morphological and electrophysiological parameters of the regenerates of both flight and control snails were similar to each other and were noticeably inferior to the native eye tentacles during the 4-year period after the experiment was completed. Light deprivation did not affect the nature of the regeneration. In the regenerated optic nerve, there was no “off”– reaction to switching off the light stimulus.

Key words: mollusk, regeneration, vision, electroretinogram, weightlessness, International Space Station

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009222020044

Cite: Gorgiladze G. I. Regeneratsiya organa zreniya helix lucorum v 185-sutochnom orbitalnom polete na mezhdunarodnoi kosmicheskoi stantsii [Regeneration of the helix lucorum visual body in a 185-day orbital flight et the international space station]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2022. V. 36(2). P. 136–152 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009222020044


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