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Multiplicatively Сlosed Spectral Models in Color Analysis

© 2022 D. P. Nikolaev, I. A. Konovalenko, P. P. Nikolaev

Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute) 127051 Moscow, B. Karetny per., 19, Russia

Received 11 Jan 2022

This paper describes methods and tools used in research on color perception. The latter is an integral part of the visual system which should objectively expose the observed scenes. A number of substantial examples regarding the construction of low-parameter spectral representations are provided. Such representations, referred to as spectral models, establish a formal link between luminosity and sensor response spaces. The main types of spectral models including intra-type modifications are explained and illustrated by the examples along with the analysis of advantages and disadvantages. We specify and justify the restrictions on the physical and optical characteristics of a scene registered by a sensor as well as approximation alternatives for spectral models of the scene’s elements. Restrictions and approximations simplify the inverse problem, ensuring its solvability since in the general case, such a problem cannot be solved. In the context of the requirements for spectral models, the issues related to the modeling of color constancy phenomena as well as the camera calibration problem are considered. The advantages of the Gaussian spectral model (as nonlinear and multiplicatively closed), when compared to optimal linear models, are discussed. We also describe three modifications of the Gaussian model which extend the color gamut, since the original model does not reproduce the colors of the magenta segment. In terms of the Gaussian model – with a transition to the optimizing properties of the von Mises model – we describe a method for the chromaticity estimation of the source based on a color picture of internal interreflections within a set of multicolored folded samples. We illustrate the method via numerical experiments employing real spectral data. The manuscript combines an analysis of theoretical premises with a discussion of the results of numerical modeling and physical experiment.

Key words: spectral models, Gaussian spectral model, von Mises spectral model, closure under multiplication, color analysis, color gamut, color constancy, color sensor calibration, fold reflexes

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009222020056

Cite: Nikolaev D. P., Konovalenko I. A., Nikolaev P. P. Multiplikativno zamknutye spektralnye modeli v zadachakh tsvetovogo analiza [Multiplicatively сlosed spectral models in color analysis]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2022. V. 36(2). P. 153–182 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009222020056


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