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Analysis of individual strategies in categorical visual search

© 2021 A. A. Dreneva, A. N. Krichevets

Lomonosov Moscow State University 125009 Moscow, Mokhovaya, 11-9, Russia
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration 119571 Moscow, Prospect Vernadskogo, 82, Russia

Received 12 Dec 2020

Recent research in the field of visual perception and, in particular, extrafoveal analysis, states that perception works similarly in most people. Therefore, studies in the field focus mainly on average measurements of search speed and efficiency. At the same time, the results of other studies show pronounced individual differences even when performing tasks involving low-level processes. Within this work, we performed an experiment on a sample of 29 people, whose task was to find the target pyramid among three distractors, thus performing the task of categorical search. The results were evaluated both on average, globally for the sample, and separately for each subject. The data analysis revealed that individual strategies, as well as their dynamics throughout the experiment, varied significantly among different participants: the degree of the extrafoveal analysis involvement varied from practically imperceptible in some subjects to extremely pronounced in others. The dynamics of this type of analysis involvement had individual features as well. The findings of the study underline the importance of considering individual strategies in categorical visual search studies.

Key words: individual differences, visual search, categorical search, extrafoveal perception, perceptive strategies

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009221020050

Cite: Dreneva A. A., Krichevets A. N. Analiz individualnykh strategii kategorialnogo zritelnogo poiska [Analysis of individual strategies in categorical visual search]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2021. V. 35(2). P. 135–143 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009221020050


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