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Local path finding in autonomous car state lattice based on multi-criteria optimization

© 2021 I. Y. Kornev, V. I. Kibalov, O. S. Shipitko

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS 127051 Moscow, Bol’shoy Karetnyy Pereulok 19, Russia
27015 Moscow, Vyatskaya street 27, Russia

Received 19 Nov 2020

In this work algorithm of local path planning for the ground autonomous vehicle with car-type non-holonomic kinematics is proposed. The constructed path is represented by a path in a graph of possible maneuvers that minimizes predefined quality measures. The maneuvers graph is constructed by coping along the global path of precalculated in curvilinear coordinate system maneuvers' templates which are kinematically feasible. The use of a pre-calculated template speeds up runtime algorithm execution. The weight of each graph edge is a weighted sum of several criteria. The search algorithm minimizes maneuvring while keeping the maximum possible distance from obstacles. The obstacles can be dynamically detected as well as extract from static occupancy grid map. The path search in the weighted graph is executed with Dijkstra’s algorithm. The proposed planning algorithm was tested on generated road scenes. Each scene is a static road situation with obstacles in which a safe path has to be found. The safe local path was found in which scenes where it was feasible. The generated local paths are on average just 1.3% longer than the predefined shortest global path, which does not account for obstacles.

Key words: path planning, local path planning, state lattice, multi-objective optimization, collision avoidance, autonomous vehicle, nonholonomic kinematics

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009221020062

Cite: Kornev I. Y., Kibalov V. I., Shipitko O. S. Algoritm lokalnogo planirovaniya puti avtonomnogo transportnogo sredstva na osnove mnogokriterialnoi optimizatsii traektorii v prostranstvennoi reshetke sostoyanii [Local path finding in autonomous car state lattice based on multi-criteria optimization]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2021. V. 35(2). P. 164–174 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009221020062


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