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Behavioral and neurophysiological characteristics of oblique orientations estimation in males and females

© 2020 E. S. Mikhailova, N. Yu. Gerasimenko, A. B. Kushnir

Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS 117485 Moscow, Butlerova str., 5A, Russia

Received 11 May 2020

In the present study gender differences of an early processing of line orientations were analyzed. 34 participants (16 males and 18 females) were asked to determine whether stimuli (eight square gratings of oblique orientations with the step of 9°) were oriented closer to vertical, horizontal or the clockwise primary oblique (45°) and press the corresponding button. The accuracy, reaction time (RT) and event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded. It was found, than females showed lower accuracy than males, but RT was similar between genders. In contrast, ERP analysis revealed significant gender differences. Over the caudal cortical area only males demonstrated the dependence of the early negativity N1 during the oblique line estimation. Specifically, the N1 amplitude was lower for oblique lines close to the cardinal referents and more high for oblique lines close to 45°. This effect was more pronounce over the occipital area. The early sensitivity to oblique orientations in the occipital cortex in males was assumed to be connected with an androgen-dependent morphological features in ventral and dorsal visual pathways (Handa, McGivern, 2014).

Key words: vision, visual cortex, visual perception, line orientation, oblique orientation, ERP

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009220040046

Cite: Mikhailova E. S., Gerasimenko N. Yu., Kushnir A. B. Psikhofizicheskie i neirofiziologicheskie kharakteristiki otsenki naklonnykh orientatsii u muzhchin i zhenshchin [Behavioral and neurophysiological characteristics of oblique orientations estimation in males and females]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2020. V. 34(4). P. 283–298 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009220040046


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