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Using window hough transform for detecting elongated boundaries in an image

© 2020 E. I. Panfilova, I. A. Kunina

The Institute for Information Transmission Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences 127051 Moscow, Bolshoi Karetny Lane, 19, Russia
Smart Engines Service LLC 117312 Moscow, Prospect 60-Letiya Oktyabrya, 9, Russia
V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences 117997 Moscow, Profsoyusnaya street, 65, Russia
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 141701 Dolgoprodny, Institutsky Lane, 9, Russia

Received 30 Mar 2019

This work presents the algorithm for detecting elongated boundaries in an image. The case where boundary can be approximated by polyline with restricted maximum curvature angle is considered. The task of detecting such boundaries arises, for instance, during the detection of road markings, construction of a road map by analyzing Earth satellite images, and detection of crystal dislocations in a single X-ray topo-tomography projection. To find polyline segments an image is processed by a sliding window and for each window position, a straight line is detected by calculating Fast Hough transform (FHT). Further, detected segments are grouped by relative position in the image. Segments groups, covering desired boundaries, are approximated by polylines. The proposed algorithm was used in the problem of road marking detection to determine the ego-position of an unmanned vehicle on a given vector road map. The algorithm was tested on real data collected from the front-looking camera of the unmanned vehicle driving at the experimental area “Kalibr” (Moscow). The precision of road markings lines detector was evaluated as 43%, and the recall as 73%. The mean absolute positioning error in an experimental run with road marking detection was 0.2 m (Euclidean distance), which is 8 times less than localization error without road marking detection. The algorithm was also tested on remote sensing images and topo-tomograms.

Key words: boundary detection, lane detection, elongated dislocations, fast Hough transform, window image analysis

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009220030075

Cite: Panfilova E. I., Kunina I. A. Ispolzovanie okonnogo preobrazovaniya khafa dlya poiska protyazhennykh granits na izobrazhenii [Using window hough transform for detecting elongated boundaries in an image]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2020. V. 34(4). P. 340–353 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009220030075


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