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© 2020 K. B. Bulatov, B. I. Savelyev, V. V. Arlazarov, N. V. Fedotova

ederal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of RAS 117312 Moscow, 60-letiya Oktyabrya avenue 9, Russia
Smart Engines Service LLC 121205 Moscow, Skolkovo innovation center, Nobel st. 7, 132, Russia

Received 07 Apr 2020

In the field of document analysis and recognition using mobile devices for capturing, and the field of object recognition in a video stream, an important problem is determining the time when the capturing process should be stopped. Efficient stopping influences not only the total time spent for performing recognition and data entry, but the expected accuracy of the result as well. This paper is directed on extending the stopping method based on the modelling of the next integrated recognition result, in order for it to be used within a string result recognition model with per- character alternatives. The stopping method and notes on its extension are described, and experimental evaluation is performed using the open datasets MIDV-500 and MIDV-2019. The method was compared with previously published methods based on input observations clustering. The obtained results indicate that the stopping method based on the next integrated result modelling allows to achieve higher accuracy, even when compared with the best achievable configuration of the competing methods, however the computations required are significant and more research should be targeted on optimizing its implementation.

Key words: recognition in video stream, mobile OCR, stopping rules, decision making, mobile document recognition, anytime algorithms

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009220030026

Cite: Bulatov K. B., Savelyev B. I., Arlazarov V. V., Fedotova N. V. Analiz metoda ostanova raspoznavaniya teksta v videopotoke s ispolzovaniem rasshirennoi modeli rezultata s posimvolnymi alternativami [Analysis of a stopping method for text recognition in video stream using an extended result model with per-character alternatives]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2020. V. 34(3). P. 217-225 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009220030026


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