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Method of iterative tomography reconstruction of cropped sinograms

© 2020 A. V. Buzmakov, D. A. Zolotov, M. V. Chukalina, A. S. Ingacheva, A. V. Sheshkus, V. E. Asadchikov

FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” RAS 111933 Moscow, Leninskyi prosp., 59, Russia
Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS 127051 Moscow, Bolshoi Karetnyi per. 9, Russia
FRC “Computer science and control” 119333 Moscow, Vavilova str, 44b2, Russia
Smart Engines Service LLC 117312 Moscow, 60-Letia Oktyabrya, 9, Russia

Received 03 Apr 2020

In this paper we offer a method of tomographic reconstruction in the case of a limited field of view, when the entire image of the investigated sample does not fit on the detector. The proposed method is based on an iterative procedure of tomographic reconstruction with corrections at each step in the sinogram space and reconstruction space. On the model and experimental data it is shown that the proposed technique allows improving the quality of tomographic reconstruction and expanding the field of vision.

Key words: x-ray microtomography, limited field of view, iterative reconstruction

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009220030038

Cite: Buzmakov A. V., Zolotov D. A., Chukalina M. V., Ingacheva A. S., Sheshkus A. V., Asadchikov V. E. Tomograficheskaya rekonstruktsiya pri ogranichennom pole zreniya detektora [Method of iterative tomography reconstruction of cropped sinograms]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2020. V. 34(3). P. 210-216 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009220030038


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