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Variability of the pattern VEP parameters in children without visual impairment and questions of preclinical diagnostics

© 2020 D. I. Koshelev, E. M. Gareev, A. A. Ivleva, R. G. Yusupov

Russian centre for eye and plastic surgery 450076 Ufa, R.Zorge str, 67/1, Russia

Received 05 Feb 2020

Amplitude and latency of binocular VEPs to pattern reversed stimuli with check sizes 240, 96, 48, 24 and 12 min were investigated in 35 emmetropic 7–14 age children with visual acuity 1.0 and more. Different types of dependence of VEPs components from check size were revealed by cluster analysis. Statistically significant latency and peak to peak amplitude of N75-P100 increase were observed as the check size decreased. In two cluster groups that had no difference in sex and age this increase was in different level. In the group with a large latency N75 and P100 for all stimulus sizes, the visual acuity was significantly higher. Factor analysis of latency N75 and P100 showed that these components have different origins at low, medium, and high spatial frequencies. We consider the possibility of using various components of the VEP and their dynamics when changing the spatial frequency of the stimulus as preclinical markers for evaluating the effectiveness of the visual system.

Key words: electrophysiological diagnostics, visual evoked potentials, preclinical diagnostics, norm

DOI: 10.31857/S023500922003004X

Cite: Koshelev D. I., Gareev E. M., Ivleva A. A., Yusupov R. G. Variativnost parametrov zritelnykh vyzvannykh potentsialov na pattern u detei bez narusheniya zreniya i voprosy doklinicheskoi diagnostiki [Variability of the pattern vep parameters in children without visual impairment and questions of preclinical diagnostics]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2020. V. 34(3). P. 179-187 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S023500922003004X


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