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Heartbeat-evoked responses on EEG in slow wave sleep in cats

© 2019 V. D. Lavrova, I. I. Busygina, I. N. Pigarev

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), RAS, Moscow, Russia
Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Received 16 Oct 2018

The electroencephalogram (EEG) of two normal cats was averaged with R-wave peaks on their electrocardiogram (ECG) as triggers, and thereafter analysed. EEG was recorded from two pairs of supradural electrodes over the fronto-parietal and the occipital cortical regions. We discovered three types of EEG responses related to the heartbeat. The first type was an electric artifact caused by direct electric current flow from the heart. The second type looked like slow waves with the heartbeat rhythm which most likely reflected mechanical displacements associated with blood pulsation. These two types of waves were observed irregularly, both in sleep and in wakefulness, and could be seen in leads from both explored cortical regions. The third type of waves looked like typical cortical evoked responses with a delay of about 80 ms after the R-wave peak on the ECG. It was found mostly above the front-parietal cortex region and in slow wave sleep only, not in wakefulness. This study gives another support to our hypothesis, which suggests that the cerebral cortex switches to the visceral analysis during sleep.

Key words: heart, sleep, wakefulness, EEG, ECG, visceral systems, electrophysiology, visceral theory of sleep

DOI: 10.1134/S0235009219010086

Cite: Lavrova V. D., Busygina I. I., Pigarev I. N. Otrazhenie aktivnosti serdtsa v elektroentsefalogramme koshek v periody medlennogo sna [Heartbeat-evoked responses on eeg in slow wave sleep in cats]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2019. V. 33(1). P. 70-76 (in Russian). doi: 10.1134/S0235009219010086


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