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Robust criterion for vanishing point estimation of linear trajectories of detected vehicles in a video stream

© 2019 D. A. Bocharov, K. A. Aksenov, Y. A. Shemiakina, I. A. Konovalenko

Institute for Information Transmission Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences (Kharkevich Institute) – IITP RAS, Moscow, Russia
Visillect, Moscow, Russia
Higher School of Economics (National Research University), Moscow, Russia
Smart Engines Ltd., Москва, Россия
Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISA RAS), Moscow, Russia
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia

Received 17 Sep 2018

Moving objects trajectories analysis is one of the approaches for a surveillance system camera self-calibration. This paper presents the study of vanishing point detection of vehicles trajectories on an assumption of linear and parallel movement. The algorithm for trajectories vanishing point detection proposed by Tuan Hue Thi et al. is robust to trajectories-outliers, but not robust to outliers in a track. The paper presents a discussion on potential causes of outliers occurrence in a track and presents algorithm that is robust to such noise. Accuracy dependency of proposed and reference algorithms on outliers rate is estimated on the dataset of simulated trajectories. Examples of vanishing point estimation on data obtained from license plates recognition and tracking system are presented.

Key words: vanishing poin, criterion for vanishing point estimation, vanishing point estimation algorithm, moving objects trajectories, RANSAC

DOI: 10.1134/S0235009219010037

Cite: Bocharov D. A., Aksenov K. A., Shemiakina Y. A., Konovalenko I. A. Robastnyi kriterii poiska tochki skhoda proektsii pryamolineinykh traektorii dvizheniya detektirovannykh v videopotoke transportnykh sredstv [Robust criterion for vanishing point estimation of linear trajectories of detected vehicles in a video stream]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2019. V. 33(1). P. 44-51 (in Russian). doi: 10.1134/S0235009219010037


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