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Evaluation of the effciency of channel development of proprioceptive feedback for myoelectric prostheses of the upper limb

© 2017 Ya. A. Turovsky, A. S. Glushchenko, E. A. Rybalkin, V. V. Pikalov

Voronezh State University 394006, Voronezh, Universitetskaya pl., 1

Received 17 May 2017

In the paper, the possibilities of using the proprioceptive feedback channel “myoelectric prosthesis” – “man” are analyzed. It is proposed to use tactile human receptors as the “input” of this feedback channel. The results of assessing the density of tactile receptors allow us to recommend for the location of tactile stimulators on the front surface of the limb, with the dominant hand more suitable for the location of similar devices. The spatial threshold allows without loss of quality of information transmission, use relatively simple and low-cost hardware and software solutions, which are presented in this paper. The implementation of the channel of reverse proprioceptive connection of the myoelectric prosthesis includes position sensors of the “joints” and “brushes”, an analog-to-digital converter, a tactile stimulator control device that is a set of servo drives. The informative value of the proprioceptive feedback channel is estimated depending on the location of the tactile stimulators. It is shown that the total number of errors did not change during a series of experiments. A user with close probabilities both overestimated and underestimated the angles of the change in the relative positions of the elements of the myoelectric prosthesis model. With the help of factor analysis, dependencies were obtained indicating the relationship between the spatial threshold (in mm) and the number of errors with the determination of which tactile stimulant was working at the present time. Cluster analysis made it possible to identify a group of users whose high level of anxiety adversely affected the recognition of information obtained through the proprioceptive feedback channel.

Key words: computer-human interface, myoelectric prosthesis, proprioceptive feedback

Cite: Ya. A. Turovsky, Glushchenko A. S., Rybalkin E. A., Pikalov V. V. Otsenka osvoeniya “propriotseptivno”-taktilnogo kanala obratnoi svyazi protezov verkhnei konechnosti [Evaluation of the effciency of channel development of proprioceptive feedback for myoelectric prostheses of the upper limb]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(4). P. 322-330 (in Russian).


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