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The dependence of visual acuity of ophthalmologically healthy persons on the macular thickness

© 2017 E. M. Gareev, R. A. Mukhamadeev, D. I. Koshelev

FSBI “The Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre” of the Russian Federation Health Ministry 450075 Bashkortostan republic, Ufa-city, Zorge str., 67/1

Received 18 Apr 2017

40 ophthalmologically healthy subjects 19–28 years have explored the relationship of monocular visual acuity (VA) with the macular thickness of the in the central sub eld and its immediate surroundings – upper, nasal, lower and temporal sectors. The macular thickness was determined by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Cluster analysis revealed three typological variant of the spatial distribution of macular thickness in the study of its zones, which di er in the average level of VA. It is shown that the greatest VA is achieved at a certain optimal combination of the macular thickness in the central sub eld and its immediate surroundings.

Key words: optical coherence tomography (OCT), macula, visual acuity

Cite: Gareev E. M., Mukhamadeev R. A., Koshelev D. I. Zavisimost ostroty zreniya oftalmologicheski zdorovykh lyudei ot tolshchiny makulyarnoi oblasti setchatki [The dependence of visual acuity of ophthalmologically healthy persons on the macular thickness]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(4). P. 306-311 (in Russian).


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