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Photobiomodulating effect of low-dose LED blue range (450 nm) radiation on mitochondrial activity

© 2017 A. E. Dontsov1, I. A. Vorobjev2, I. V. Zolnikova3, L. S. Pogodina2, D. M. Potashnikova2, N. B. Seryoznikova1,2, P. P. Zack1

1N.M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics RAS, 119934 Moscow, Kosygin str.4
2M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Leninskie gory, 12
3Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, 103064 Moscow, Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya str., 14/19

Received 18 May 2017

A model system in vitro in which the blue spectral range irradiation of cells has a stimulating effect on cellular functions but does not lead to their death has been developed. For this purpose, the effect of low-dose (≤ 1 J/cm2) LED irradiation with blue light at a maximum of 450 nm on the models of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells of the eye of the Japanese quail Coturnix japonica and human monocyte THP-1 was studied. It was shown that irradiation with blue light of 450 nm at low doses causes an increase in the metabolical (resazurin test) and antioxidative (inhibition of luminol chemiluminescence) activity of RPE cells. Low-dose irradiation with blue light also leads to an increase in the mitochondrial membrane potential of RPE cells and human monocytes. Simultaneously, in RPЕ cells of the Japanese quail, there is an increase in the number and relative volume of mitochondria. А comparative study of the effect of blue and red (630 nm) LED irradiation on the characteristics of the multifocal electroretinogram (ERG) of the human eye was carried out. It is shown that blue light irradiation in doses of 1 J/cm2 of donor eyes does not lead to an improvement in the parameters of multifocal electroretinography. It is concluded that irradiation with blue light of 450 nm at doses less than 1 J/cm2 not only does not cause damage, but rather has bene cial effects on the cells, as it was shown for irradiation of LEDs and laser sources in the red spectral range.

Key words: photobiomodulation, retinal pigment epithelium, human monocytes, blue light, mitochondrial membrane potential, methabolic activity, antioxidative activity, electroretinography

Cite: Dontsov A. E., Vorobjev I. A., Zolnikova I. V., Pogodina L. S., Potashnikova D. M., Seryoznikova N. B., Zack P. P. Fotobiomoduliruyushchee deistvie nizkodozovogo svetodiodnogo oblucheniya sinego diapazona (450 nm) na mitokhondrialnuyu aktivnost [Photobiomodulating effect of low-dose led blue range (450 nm) radiation on mitochondrial activity]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(4). P. 312-321 (in Russian).


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