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A model of orientation recognition mechanisms for the 3-bar two-grade optotypes

© 2015 D.S.Lebedev

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), RAS 127994 Moscow, B.Karetny per., 19

Received 21 Apr 2015

The model of orientation recognition mechanism for the 3-bar two-grade optotypes is presented. It could be easily implemented (realized) by means of simple neuronal nets. The essential virtue of the model is its capability, due to minor change of settings, to simulate behavior of the three categories of subjects responding differently to the low- frequency components in the stimulus spectrum. Another advantage of the model is that it doesn’t require using stimulus samples for recognition of their orientation.

Key words: human vision, visual acuity, two-grade optotypes, modeling of recognition

Cite: Lebedev D. S. Model mekhanizma raspoznavaniya orientatsii 3-polosnykh dvukhgradatsionnykh optotipov [A model of orientation recognition mechanisms for the 3-bar two-grade optotypes]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(4). P. 309-320 (in Russian).


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