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The influence of masker on the hearing sensitivity to the dynamic changes in sound spectrum depending on masker-to-signal intensity ratio

© 2015 D. I. Nechaev, O. N. Milekhina, A. Ya. Supin

Institute of Еcology and Evolution, RAS 119071 Moscow, Leninsky prosp., 33

Received 20 Oct 2014

The influence of noises of different configurations on sensitivity to dynamic changes in sound spectrum was investigated. The narrow band signal with ripple spectrum was used as a test. The central frequency of the test was 2 kHz and intensity was 50 dB or 80 dB SPL. One octave band-pass noise was used as a masker. Three masker frequencies were exploited: lower, on and higher than the spectrum of the test signal. Intensity of masker varied from 30 to 100 dB SPL. The largest masking effect was observed with the on-frequency masker independently of intensity of the test signal. Masking was observed when the masker/test ratio was 0 dB or higher. Shift of spectrum ripples could not be detected by listeners when the masker/test ratio was 10 dB or higher. At the low-frequency masking, the ripple shift threshold was dependent on absolute level of the masker. Ripple shift threshold appeared at the masker of 80 dB SPL, independently of the test signal intensity (50 or 80 dB SPL). At the high-frequency masker effect was absent.

Key words: hearing, frequency resolution, ripple spectrum, masking

Cite: Nechaev D. I., Milekhina O. N., Supin A. Ya. Vliyanie maskirovki na chuvstvitelnost slukha k dinamicheskim izmeneniyam spektralnogo risunka zvukovogo signala v zavisimosti ot otnosheniya intensivnostei maskera i signala [The influence of masker on the hearing sensitivity to the dynamic changes in sound spectrum depending on masker-to-signal intensity ratio]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(1). P. 63-73 (in Russian).


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