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Wiring of retinal direction-selective ganglion cells. Review

© 2015 E. M. Maximova

Institute for Information Transmission problems, RAS 127994 GSP-4, Moscow, B. Karetny per., 19

Received 16 Oct 2014

For the first time direction of stimulus motion in the visual field is determined by direction-selective retinal ganglion cells (DSGCs). Edges, spots and stripes of varying degrees of contrast that move at different speeds in the preferred direction in their receptive fields (RF) cause a pronounced spike discharge. However, the same types of stimuli that move in the opposite (“0”-direction) ), as well as the turning of the ambient light ON and OFF, do not evoke any response in the cells. These mysterious cells have been studied for 50 years. Only during the latest decade, due to the advances in genetic engineering, the development of new methods in morphological studies and computerisation, the mechanism of the directional selectivity has been unravelled.

Key words: retina, direction selective ganglion cells, starburst amacrine cells, bipolar cells, dendrites, receptive field, synapse, neurotransmitter, development

Cite: Maximova E. M. Organizatsiya direktsionalnoi izbiratelnosti ganglioznykh kletok setchatki. obzor [Wiring of retinal direction-selective ganglion cells. review]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(1). P. 15-27 (in Russian).


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