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Recognition of projectively transformed planar figures. VIII. On computation of the ensemble of correspondence for “rotationally symmetric” ovals

© 2015 P. P. Nikolayev

Institute for Information Transmission Problems “Kharkevich Institute” RAS 127994 Moscow, Bolshoy Karetny per., 19

Received 06 May 2014

For an oval having hidden rotational symmetry, that is, symmetry which became implicit in its Cartesian properties under the action of an unknown projective transform changing the figure in the course of its non-orthogonal detection by sensors, we propose methods for computation of an important object we called the Ensemble of Correspondence (EC). The EC is a set of N points of the oval contour, which shows differentially projective similarity of each when N corresponds to the rotational index of the oval, that is, the number of recurrent fragments of its orthoform. This particular type of symmetry cannot be reduced to previously reported situations of its implicit presence (for which we proposed numerical methods for detecting hidden axes and/or centers of symmetry) in the case of an odd N (an even N ensures the projective radial symmetry of the figure, that is, the appearance of its center image), and for an odd N > 2 there is no such a division into fragments for which the orthoform fragment is axisymmetric (in this case the oval shows axial symmetry, having N axis images). Derivation of any EC makes it possible to calculate the position of the rotation center, which, in turn, ensures projectively invariant representation of a smooth convex curve having no geometric peculiarities except for implicit rotational symmetry.

Key words: oval, projective transformation, wurf, tangent, rotation fragment, focus set, ensemble of correspondence, rotational symmetry

Cite: Nikolayev P. P. Raspoznavanie proektivno preobrazovannykh ploskikh figur. viii. o vychislenii ansamblya rotatsionnoi korrespondentsii ovalov s simmetriei vrashcheniya [Recognition of projectively transformed planar figures. viii. on computation of the ensemble of correspondence for “rotationally symmetric” ovals]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(1). P. 28-55 (in Russian).


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