• 1990 (Vol.4)
  • 1989 (Vol.3)
  • 1988 (Vol.2)
  • 1987 (Vol.1)

The male chemical signals elicit synchronisation of the first oestrus in female norway rats

© 1996 E. S. Neprintseva, Z. A. Belaya, E. P. Zinkevich

Cite: Neprintseva E. S., Belaya Z. A., Zinkevich E. P. Sinkhronizatsiya nastupleniya pervogo estrusa u samok seroi krysy pri deistvii khimicheskikh signalov samtsa [The male chemical signals elicit synchronisation of the first oestrus in female norway rats]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 1996. V. 10(4). P. 68-73 (in Russian).