The effect of sensory-cognitive training on features of perception, attention and memory in elderly and senile people
was studing. The experimental group included 16 elderly and senile volunteer subjects (average age 73 ±1.7 years) who
did not have a history of significant age-related sensory and neurological problems (survey data). All subjects
underwent a course of sensory-cognitive exercises for 4 weeks, as well as psychophysical testing and assessment of
psychological health resources before and after the training. A significant improvement in target sensory-cognitive
indicators (perception, attention, memory) in the experimental group and the dynamics of a number of individual
psychological characteristics (anxiety, hierarchy in the value system, vital durability and cheerfulness) were shown.
The results allow us to conclude that the developed course of sensory-cognitive training helps to update both the
potential of sensory-cognitive processes and the psychological health resources of older people. This indicates the
preventive importance of functional training in the context of reducing the age-related risks of developing dementia and
achieving the goals of active aging.
Key words:
sensory-cognitive training, age-related sensory-cognitive dysfunctions, perception, attention, memory, psychological
health resources, elderly and senile age
DOI: 10.31857/S0235009224040037
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