• 1990 (Vol.4)
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Рrocessing and memorizing non-verbal non-meaning material when the exposure time is limited

© 2022 L. V. Cheremoshkina

Moscow Pedagogical State University 119991 Moscow, st. Malaya Pirogovskaya, 1, building 1, Russia
State Humanitarian and Technological University 142611 Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuevo, st. Zelenaya, 22, Russia

Received 27 Mar 2022

The article contains generalized data obtained over the past 35 years using the method of deploying mnemonic activity, which was developed to study the memory of people of different ages. Several series of experimental studies of the qualitative originality of the processing of a figure of four intersecting lines, presented for memorization by 7–80-year-olds subjects. The experimental material was exposed in fractions, the first 10 presentations were 1s each, from the 11th to the 20th – 2s each. from the 21st to the 30th – 3 s each, etc. After each presentation, the subject reproduced on paper the figure shown to him. With a total exposure time of figure No. 2 within 4 s. complex methods of its analysis, requiring extensive mental operations, have not been recorded. The total time for memorizing a figure of four intersecting lines, which is 4 s, can be attributed to the period of sensory-perceptual processing, which involves the selection of stimulus elements, fixing the ratio of lines, the nature of intersections, the orientation of the figure on a plane, performed at an unconscious (relatively unconscious) level of functioning of perceptual and mnemonic processes. The absence of a meaningful categorization of the figure of four intersecting lines, presented for one second from one to four times, gives reason to consider the time interval from 1 to 4 s as a period of unconscious processing of non-verbal meaningless material. The total duration of the exposure, which is 4 s, can be considered as a conditional boundary between the unconscious (relatively unconscious) and conscious processing of this non-verbal meaningless material in the process of its arbitrary memorization.

Key words: memorization, imprinting, non-verbal meaningless material, conscious and relatively unconscious processing of memorized material, method of deploying mnemonic activity, memory, categorization, period from 1 s to 4 s

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009222040023

Cite: Cheremoshkina L. V. Obrabotka i zapominanie neverbalnogo bessmyslennogo materiala pri ogranichenii vremeni ekspozitsii [Рrocessing and memorizing non-verbal non-meaning material when the exposure time is limited]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2022. V. 36(4). P. 322–337 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009222040023


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