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Downregulation of cockroach UV-sensitive visual pigment decreases masking effect of short wavelength illumination

© 2021 E. S. Novikova, I. Yu. Severina, I. L. Isavnina, M. I. Zhukovskaya

Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194223 St. Petersburg, Toreza 44, Russia

Received 22 Jul 2020

Dual function of light stimulating insect compound eyes is not only to bring the information on the shapes and colors of the surrounding but also on the light levels, regulating the daily and seasonal rhythms of physiological functions. Illumination of the American cockroach with bright light in the night phase of the diel cycle leads to the appearance of the masking effect, the most noticeable manifestation of which were the periods of complete immobility or freezing. Downregulation of the ultraviolet-sensitive visual pigment of a cockroach by RNA interference significantly reduced the masking effect, leading to a reduction in the duration of freezings. The observed changes in behavior were small in magnitude due to incomplete silencing of the UV-sensitive opsin.

Key words: visual pigment, RNA interference, behavior, masking, cockroach

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009221010066

Cite: Novikova E. S., Severina I. Yu., Isavnina I. L., Zhukovskaya M. I. Daunregulyatsiya ultrafiolet-chuvstvitelnogo zritelnogo pigmenta tarakana umenshaet effekt maskinga pri korotkovolnovom osveshchenii [Downregulation of cockroach uv-sensitive visual pigment decreases masking effect of short wavelength illumination]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2021. V. 35(1). P. 22–29 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009221010066


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