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Fast binary linear clustering algorithm for small dimensional histograms

© 2017 E. I. Ershov

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS 127051 Moscow, Bolshoi Karetny per., 19

Received 10 Mar 2017

In this paper we propose linear separation algorithm for pairs of clusters in two- or three-dimensional space. Optimal separation criterion is the algorithm’s input parameter. The algorithm is based on combination of fast Hough transform, cumulative summation and criteria computation via additive statistics. Hence, the possibility of criterion expression in terms of additive statistics is a limitation of the algorithm. We show that computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is O(mn2 log n) for two-dimensional case and O(mn3 log n) for three-dimensional case, where n is a linear image size, while m is a number of the required additive statistics. In practice dimensionality of input histograms is restricted by the requirement of histogram dense representation in RAM.

Key words: fast Hough transform, image segmentation, linear clustering, Ótsu criterion, additive statistics

Cite: Ershov E. I. Algoritm bystroi binarnoi lineinoi klasterizatsii malomernykh gistogramm [Fast binary linear clustering algorithm for small dimensional histograms]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(3). P. 261-269 (in Russian).


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