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Spatial and temporal integration in the chain of the transduction of olfactory signals

© 2017 V. M. Ganshin, E. P. Zinkevich

Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, RAS 119071 Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 33

Received 17 Jan 2017

Fundamental characteristics of olfactory perception (speed, sensitivity, and selectivity) were assessed in terms of the hypothesized mechanism of competitive interaction between the receptor proteins and olfactory substances. For higher fatty acids (palmitinic and myristinic) contributing to individual human odor, achievement of the threshold as low as 10–17 M during 0.16 sec and recovery during 0.1 sec is explained. The contractive apparatus of the olfactory cilia is supposed to be a linear integrator of uctuation of Са2+-currents, in conjunction with mechano-chemical transmission of the smoothed signal to Сl–-channels responsible for the origin of the generator potential. Together with the mechanism of two-stage concentration of the substance in a sensory membrane, contribution of odorant-binding proteins, and the algorithms of statistical processing of the transduced signals in the ciliar structure, the competitive model explains the sensitivity, speed, and selectivity of olfactory perception by a single supra-molecular complex.

Key words: odorant-binding protein, G-protein, cАМP-dependent cation channels, Са2+-manageable chlorine channels, potassium-sodium- chloride (К+–Na+–2Cl–) co-transport, olfactory cilia, olfactory sensitivity, selectivity, speed

Cite: Ganshin V. M., Zinkevich E. P. Prostranstvennoe i vremennóe integrirovanie v tsepi transduktsii obonyatelnykh signalov [Spatial and temporal integration in the chain of the transduction of olfactory signals]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2017. V. 31(3). P. 237-246 (in Russian).


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