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The effect of ophthalmopathology on perception of Zollner and Poggendorff figures in schoolchildren

© 2015 S.I. Rychkova

Institute for Information Transmission Problems, RAS 127994 GSP-4, Moscow, B. Karetny per., 19

Received 15 Sep 2014

The aim of our work was to study the Zollner and Poggendorff illusions in schoolchildren with ophthalmopathology. In total, 141 children of school age with various visual impairments were tested. They were divided into 3 groups depending on age and each group included children with low visual acuity (not more than 0.2) and good visual acuity (not less than 0.8). All subjects with a low vision had a congenital diseases of the optic nerve or the retina. Others subjects with ophthalmopathology had a refraction problems (myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism), but they had a good vision acuity with optical correction (spectacles or contact lenses). Using a nulling method, we measured the misalignement components in the Zollner and Poggendorff illusions varying stimulus orientations. The estimates of both illusions in all groups of subjects were minimal (average 0.5±0.04o) at the horizontal and vertical stimuli orientations, having peaks (average 9.1±0.09o) at the oblique orientations. The severity of Zollner illusions in all subjects was greater than Poggendorff illusion. Meanwhile, both illusions were minimal in the senior pupils with a good visual acuity and maximal in the youngest schoolchildren with a low vision.

Key words: Poggendorff illusion, Zollner illusion, pupils, ophthalmopathology, age groups

Cite: Rychkova S. I. Vliyanie oftalmopatologii na vospriyatie figur poggendorffa i tsollnera u shkolnikov [The effect of ophthalmopathology on perception of zollner and poggendorff figures in schoolchildren]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(2). P. 142-147 (in Russian).


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