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Functional correction of impaired binocular vision: Benefits of using novel computer-aided systems

© 2015 G. I. Rozhkova, I. T. Lozinskiy1, M. A. Gracheva, A. S. Bolshakov, A. V. Vorobev1, I. V. Senko1, A. V. Belokopytov

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), RAS B.Karetny per. 19, GSP-4, 127994, Moscow
1Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov ul.Ostrovitjanova 1, 117997, Moscow

Received 03 Nov 2014

The analytical review of physiological, ophthalmological and technical publications is presented demonstrating significantly growing possibilities in diagnostics and noninvasive functional correction of the impaired binocular vision using the latest achievements of science and computer technologies. The novel devices and technical approaches are described, the characteristics of the contemporary monitors and various left-right image separation techniques are analyzed. The results of our own investigations and the experimental data available in literature are presented that illustrate good perspectives and efficiency of transition to modern methods of creation and varying the 3D images and virtual reality. Some principal advantages and consrtraints of various methods are discussed that determine the peculiarities of their practical usage for functional correction and the reasons for their combination.

Key words: binocular vision, functional correction, 3D technologies, image separation methods

Cite: Rozhkova G. I., Lozinskiy I. T., Gracheva M. A., Bolshakov A. S., Vorobev A. V., Senko I. V., Belokopytov A. V. Funktsionalnaya korrektsiya narushennogo binokulyarnogo zreniya: preimushchestva ispolzovaniya novykh kompyuternykh tekhnologii [Functional correction of impaired binocular vision: benefits of using novel computer-aided systems]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(2). P. 99-121 (in Russian).


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