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Adaptive features of the visual system of the largha seal Phoca largha to the ambivalent vision

© 2015 A. M. Mass

Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS, 119071 Moscow, Leninsky Prosp., 33

Received 14 Oct 2014

Morpho-functional organization of the retina of a largha seal Phoca largha was studied. In retinal wholemounts stained by cresyl-violet and cross sections, topography of distribution of ganglion cell density was investigated. The data revealed an area of high cell concentration as an elliptical spot. It was localized in the temporal quadrant of the retina, about 10 mm from the geometrical center. The peak cell density in this area was 1700 cells/mm2. Posteronodal distance as measured in MRT pictures was 24 mm. Based on these data, the retinal resolution was computed. In the high- density area, it was 3.5' (8.5 cycles/ deg) in water and 4.7' (6.5 cycles/deg) in air. A feature of the largha’s retina was large cell size: from 10 to 50 μm, with giant cells of 40 to 50 μm. The giant cells constituted 2.9% of all cell population. Mean cell sizes differed in different retinal areas.

Key words: largha, Phoca largha, retina, wholemount, ganglion cells, cell size, topography, high-density areas, retinal resolution, ambivalent vision

Cite: Mass A. M. Adaptivnye k ambivalentnomu zreniyu svoistva zritelnoi sistemy tyulenya largi (phoca largha) [Adaptive features of the visual system of the largha seal phoca largha to the ambivalent vision]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2015. V. 29(2). P. 131-141 (in Russian).


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