• 1990 (Vol.4)
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The role of the left and the right brain hemispheres in representation of space in drawings. The investigation in the conditions of the transitiry suppression of the brain nemisphere

© 1995 N. N. Nickolajenko, V. L. Deglin

Cite: Nickolajenko N. N., Deglin V. L. Rol pravogo i levogo polusharii mozga v otobrazhenii prostranstva v risunke. issledovanie v usloviyakh perekhodyashchego ugneteniya odnogo iz polusharii mozga [The role of the left and the right brain hemispheres in representation of space in drawings. the investigation in the conditions of the transitiry suppression of the brain nemisphere]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 1995. V. 9(1). P. 38-45 (in Russian).