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Electroretinographic examinations of the crew members of the 8-month international experiment SIRIUS 20/21

© 2023 V. V. Neroev, I. V. Tsapenko, V. I. Kotelin, M. V. Zueva, O. M. Manko, A. M. Aleskerov, D. A. Podyanov

Helmholtz Medical Research Center of Eye Diseases 105062 Moscow, St. Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya, 14/19, Russia
Institute of Biomedical Problems RAS Moscow Russia 123007 Moscow, Khoroshevskoe sh., 76A, Russia

Received 29 Dec 2022

Before and after the 8-month international experiment SIRIUS 20/21, a complex of electrophysiological testing of the visual system was performed, including registration of standard photopic electroretinograms (ERG), flicker ERG response on flickering with a frequency of 8.3, 10, 12 and 24 Hz, photopic negative response, and pattern-ERG. The aim of the work was an objective assessment of changes in the functional activity of retinal neurons in ground station crew members associated with long-term isolation and the influence of a complex of stress factors. The results obtained indicate a moderate activation of the bioelectrical activity of photoreceptors and bipolar cells and a slight decrease in the function of retinal ganglion cells after isolation experiment. The revealed changes may reflect the adaptation of the visual sensory system of the testers to physical and psycho-emotional stress in the experimental conditions. Further study of the specifics of changes in electroretinographic markers with a longer duration of the experiment is necessary to expand the understanding of stress resistance and adaptation of the visual system during prolonged exposure to extreme environmental conditions.

Key words: long-term isolation, ground station, electroretinography, retina, photoreceptors, retinal bipolar cells, retinal ganglion cells, SIRIUS 20/21

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009223020038  EDN: QSYHIW

Cite: Neroev V. V., Tsapenko I. V., Kotelin V. I., Zueva M. V., Manko O. M., Aleskerov A. M., Podyanov D. A. Elektroretinograficheskie issledovaniya ekipazha 8-mesyachnogo mezhdunarodnogo eksperimenta sirius 20/21 [Electroretinographic examinations of the crew members of the 8-month international experiment sirius 20/21]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2023. V. 37(2). P. 152–161 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009223020038


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