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Interaction of foveal and peripheral vision in the implementation of systemic visual functions

© 2021 L. N. Podladchikova, D. G. Shaposhnikov, A. I. Samarin, D. M. Lazurenko

Research Center of Neurotechnology at Southern Federal University 344090 Rostov-on-Don, Stachki Ave., 194, Russia

Received 14 Dec 2020

The article analyzes the known facts deal with the reflection of systemic functions of vision, such as discrimination and recognition of visual objects, visual search, assessment of emotions, scene content, and decisionmaking in the foveal and peripheral visual fields. The well-known assumptions about the possible mechanisms of functional phenomena found in peripheral vision are considered. A new neuroinformational approach to solving the problems of interaction between foveal and peripheral vision based on trajectories of examination, areas of interest and return fixations of the gaze is proposed. Computational experiments were shown that the structure of the model inspection trajectory correlates with the number of return fixations of the model's “entry window”. This fact made it possible to assume that the probability of recurrent fixations can be considered as a quantitative criterion for determining the type of attention (focal or spatial) and the moment of its switching.

Key words: foveal and peripheral vision, return fixations, neuroinformatic approach, scan-path

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009221040053

Cite: Podladchikova L. N., Shaposhnikov D. G., Samarin A. I., Lazurenko D. M. Vzaimodeistvie fovealnogo i perifericheskogo zreniya pri realizatsii sistemnykh zritelnykh funktsii [Interaction of foveal and peripheral vision in the implementation of systemic visual functions]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2021. V. 35(4). P. 328–339 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009221040053


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