A normal human color vision is based on three types of cones in the retina: with long-wave (L), middle-wave (M) and
short-wave (S) photopigments. The main pathologies of color vision – dichromacy and anomalous trichromacy – are caused
by the malfunction of one of the cone types. There are three types of dichromacy: protanopia – the absence of a long-
wave photopigment, deuteranopia – the absence of a middle-wave photopigment, and very rare tritanopia – the absence of a
short-wave photopigment, while anomalous trichromacy is caused by the shift of the spectral sensitivity curve of one of
the cone types from its normal position along the axis of wavelengths. We developed a software simulator of dichromatic
color vision allowing an observer with normal color perception to assess which colors are distinguishable in the image,
and which colors are indistinguishable for protanopes and deuteranopes. The simulator performs direct and inverse
transformations between monitor pixel values (R, G, B) and calculated relative cone excitations (L, M, S). To simulate
protanopic perception, an output image is constructed so that each pixel would induce the same excitations of M and S
cones as the same pixel of the original image does, and the excitation of L cone would be adjusted arbitrary. Simulation
of deuteranopic perception is similar, but the values of L and S cone excitations are preserved, and the value of M cone
excitation is adjusted arbitrarily. In other words, the simulator reduces the dimensionality of the LMS color space from
3 to 2 according to the simulated type of dichromacy. On the basis of this simulator we developed another software for
human color vision testing. The subject is being sequentially presented with triples of images: a “trichromatic” one,
and two images simulating color perception of protanopes and deuteranopes. The task for the subject is to select the
image standing out color-wise. Normal trichromates select the “trichromatic” picture as the most different one,
protanopes select “deuteranopic” image, and deuteranopes select “protanopic” image. The data of preliminary examining
(83 subjects) demonstrated the usefulness of our color vision testing software.
Key words:
human color vision, dichromacy, detection of color vision deficiencies, dichromacy modeling, color coordinates
DOI: 10.1134/S0235009219030053
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