• 1990 (Vol.4)
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The effect of local diascleral stimulation of the extreme and middle peripheral parts of the retina on foveal contrast sensitivity and color recognition

© 2018 G. I. Rozhkova, S. I. Rychkova, M. A. Gracheva, A. V. Belokopytov, E. N. Iomdina

Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS, 127051 Moscow, Bolshoi Karetny lane, 19, Russia
Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases, 105062 Moscow, ul. Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya, 14/19, Russia

Received 02 Mar 2018

To verify the hypothesis of A.L. Yarbus about a specific role of the extreme retinal periphery in colour perception, we compared changes in foveal vision caused by local diascleral stimulation of the loci at the extreme periphery and mid- periphery of the retina. Two series of experiments were carried out aimed at assessment of contrast sensitivity and colour recognition The foveal test stimuli were sinewave gratings and sets of images from the charts for colour vision investigation. The subjects were 6 adolescents 14–18 years old with normal colour vision. To provide correct comparison of the effects, it was necessary to equalize stimulation of photoreceptors at the extreme and mid-peripheral retinal loci. Since, at the level of photoreceptors, direct measurements seemed to be impossible, a preliminary series of experiments was carried out to assess the resulting intensity of the light stimulus for photoreceptors after passing through scleral and other eye tunics on the basis of pupil contraction. In two main experimental series, it has been found that stimulation of the extreme retinal periphery exerts larger influence on foveal contrast sensitivity and colour recognition than comparable stimulation of mid-periphery. In our experimental conditions, the minimal values of the initial contrast thresholds were found in the range 1–4 cpd; diascleral stimulation of the extreme retinal periphery and mid-periphery resulted in increase of these thresholds by 6–15 times vs 3–6 times. Negative effect on colour recognition was also significantly larger in the case of the extreme periphery stimulation. The data obtained evidence in favor of Yarbus’s hypothesis, however, these data can’t be considered as the proofs of its trueness since other explanations are also possible.

Key words: diascleral stimulation, colour constancy, pupil response, contrast sensitivity, colour recognition, extreme retinal periphery, foveal vision

DOI: 10.1134/S0235009218040108

Cite: Rozhkova G. I., Rychkova S. I., Gracheva M. A., Belokopytov A. V., Iomdina E. N. Vliyanie lokalnoi diaskleralnoi stimulyatsii krainei i srednei periferii setchatki na fovealnuyu kontrastnuyu chuvstvitelnost i tsvetorazlichenie [The effect of local diascleral stimulation of the extreme and middle peripheral parts of the retina on foveal contrast sensitivity and color recognition]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2018. V. 32(4). P. 310-320 (in Russian). doi: 10.1134/S0235009218040108


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