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The nature of changes in impulse activity of neurons of hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus following prolonged exposure to vibration

© 2018 S. M. Minasyan, G. Yu. Grigoryan, S. H. Sarkisyan, E. S. Gevorkyan, T. I. Adamyan

Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology, A. Manukyan street, 0025 Yerevan, Armenia
Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany

Received 12 Feb 2018

In the norm and in the dynamics of a single (two-hour) and prolonged (daily for 2 hours within 5, 10, 15 and 30 days) vibration effects changes in the impulse background activity of the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus were studied. Experiments were conducted in albino male rats anesthetized with Nembutal (40 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) under the conditions of acute experiment by extracellular recording. Recording and analysis of impulse activity of neurons in the hypothalamic SON were carried out by a specially developed computer program for biological signals. The rats were exposed to a common vertical vibration of 60Hz frequency, 0.4 mm amplitude, for two hours daily, in a no sound dampening chamber, on a vibration table of EV-1 brand. It is shown that changes in the background activity of SON cells in the dynamics of prolonged exposure to common vertical vibrations have phase characteristics.

Key words: background impulse activity, vibration action, supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus

DOI: 10.1134/S0235009218040066

Cite: Minasyan S. M., Grigoryan G. Yu., Sarkisyan S. H., Gevorkyan E. S., Adamyan T. I. Kharakter izmeneniya impulsnoi aktivnosti neironov supraopticheskogo yadra gipotalamusa pri dlitelnom vozdeistvii vibratsii [The nature of changes in impulse activity of neurons of hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus following prolonged exposure to vibration]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2018. V. 32(4). P. 285-293 (in Russian). doi: 10.1134/S0235009218040066


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