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The reactions of the ensemble of the auditory nerve fibers in the growth of loudness and intensity discrimination of the efficient pulses presented before and after the disturb pulses

© 2016 L.K. Rimskaya-Korsakova

N.N. Andreev Acoustics Institute, 117036 Moscow, Shvernika St., 4

Received 02 Apr 2015

In this paper it has been compared the profiles of two types of the grouped responses of the ensemble of the 100 models of the auditory nerve fibers received in reply on a sound complex “the disturb pulse – the efficient pulse”. The first group reaction (post stimulus histogram) assessed the frequency of occurrence of spike responses in ensemble of fibers in time, the second (histogram of the interspike interval distribution) – the frequency of occurrence of certain interspike intervals in the same ensemble. The disturb pulse could stay ahead the efficient pulse or follow him. The duration of both pulses, as well as the interval between their origins were 10 and 50 ms. The center frequency of both pulses was equal to 4 kHz and corresponded to the characteristic frequency of the fiber models included in the ensemble. Profiles of both histograms have two maxima. The size and position of the maxima in the post-stimulus histogram corresponds to the size and absolute position the disturb and efficient pulses. However, it was not true for the sizes and positions of the maxima in the histogram distribution interspike intervals. The magnitude of the first maximum of the last histogram accounted for short time intervals corresponding to the duration of the disturb pulses and efficient pulses and can combine information about its. The magnitude of the second maximum was formed taking into account the lowest amplitude of the disturb pulse or the efficient pulse. That maximum was at the intervals, corresponding to the relative delay between pulses and did not depend on their absolute position. A linear change in the amplitude of the efficient pulse (the amplitude of the disturb pulse was fixed) led to non-linear changes in the magnitude of the two maxima of the second histogram. It has been suggested that the first maximum in the interspike interval distribution could be the basis for the formation of the efficient pulse’s loudness, a second maximum – the basis for the formation of the pitch periodicity of the complexes. In light of these assumptions, the nonlinear changes of two peaks, leading to changes in two subjective qualities of the complexes, could explain the well-known effect of the growth of loudness and intensity discrimination of the efficient pulses, presented before and after the disturb pulse.

Key words: simulation, ensemble reaction of auditory nerve fibers, masking of pulse by pulnoise, histogram of distribution of inter-spike intervals, post-stimulus histogram

Cite: Rimskaya-Korsakova L. K. O proyavleniyakh reaktsii ansamblya volokon slukhovogo nerva v slukhovykh effektakh povysheniya gromkosti i raspoznavaniya intensivnosti impulsov, predyavlyaemykh posle impulsnykh pomekh i pered nimi [The reactions of the ensemble of the auditory nerve fibers in the growth of loudness and intensity discrimination of the efficient pulses presented before and after the disturb pulses]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(2). P. 160-172 (in Russian).


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