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Age-dependent dynamic of sensitivity to androstenone in females

© 2016 O.S. Gladysheva, M.N. Shuklina, V.N. Krylov, E.P. Zinkevich

National Research University Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod 603950 Nizhny Novgorod, GSP-20, Gagarina St., 23
Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems after A.N. Severtsov of the RAS, 119071 Moscow, Lenina St., 33

Received 25 Aug 2015

Age-dependent dynamic of sensitivity to androstenone in various concentrations was studied in females. Vanilline was used as a neutral odorous substance. It was shown that in sexually immature girls sensitivity to androstenone was significantly lower than in those of prepuberial age or sexually mature women. Sensitivity to this odor is increasing while girls are approaching to the puberty. On the contrary, olfactory sensitivity to vanilline is not age-related. Differences in androstenone reception in corresponding groups of boys are discussed.

Key words: olfactory sensitivity, androstenone, age-dependent groups, females, anosmia

Cite: Gladysheva O. S., Shuklina M. N., Krylov V. N., Zinkevich E. P. Vozrastnye izmeneniya obonyatelnoi chuvstvitelnosti k zapakhu androstenona u predstavitelnits zhenskogo pola [Age-dependent dynamic of sensitivity to androstenone in females]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2016. V. 30(2). P. 154-159 (in Russian).


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