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Oculomotor activity in solving visual cognitive tasks under different time conditions

© 2021 A. I. Taleeva, N. V. Zvyagina

Northern (Arctic) Federal University 163002 Arkhangelsk, Severnaya Dvina Emb. 17, Russia

Received 12 Jan 2020

Oculomotor activity is a physiological marker of cognitive activity. The parameters of visual-motor reactions reflect the brain processes of perception, processing, and comprehension of received information. In con temporary society, a person lives in conditions of rapid socio-economic and technological changes, high information loads, accelerated pace of life and ever-increasing time pressure. Activity in time pressure conditions or work performed within strictly limited time are characterized by the use of additional physiological reserves, psychological and psychophysiological disbalance, changes in the brain activity, which can lead to the development of a stress reaction. In representatives with different types of autonomic regulation of functions, stress reactions have specific manifestations that will be traced in the functioning of the most reactive systems of the body, affect brain activity and, accordingly, during the implementation of visual cognitive activity, affect the parameters of oculomotor activity. Seventy students of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov have participated in the research. We studied oculomotor reactions of students with different vegetative status when solving cognitive tasks at an arbitrary pace and under time pressure. The most sensitive parameters of oculomotor reactions when reading under time limit conditions were identified: fixations frequency, average duration of fixations, dispersion of fixations, amplitude and speed of saccades. At the same time, it was shown that in representatives with different individual-typological features of the vegetative status, these markers can vary. In representatives with different status of the autonomic nervous system in the process of cognitive work in different time conditions, different performance of tasks was recorded. The most effective and high-speed processing of visual information in the conditions of the time limit, accompanied by an increase in the parameters of the frequency of fixations and a decrease in the duration of fixations, is characteristic of representatives with a normotonic vegetative status.

Key words: Oculomotor activity, saccades, fixations, cognitive task, vegetative status, physiological adaptation

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009221030045

Cite: Taleeva A. I., Zvyagina N. V. Okulomotornaya aktivnost pri reshenii zritelnykh kognitivnykh zadach v razlichnykh vremennykh usloviyakh [Oculomotor activity in solving visual cognitive tasks under different time conditions]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2021. V. 35(3). P. 217–227 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009221030045


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