• 1990 (Vol.4)
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Analysis of the functions of binocular visual systems in schoolchildren

© 2021 N. N. Vasilyeva

Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute), Russian Academy of Sciences 127051 Moscow, B. Karetny per. 19, Russia

Received 29 Mar 2020

Presented herein is the analysis of the results of a systematic study of the development of binocular vision (BV) in schoolchildren. The study involved 750 schoolchildren aged 6 to 18 years. The age-related dynamics of functional parameters of the BV were assessed: the acuity of binocular stereovision, convergent and divergent fusional reserves, the speed of binocular integration, the balance of binocular and monocular mechanisms of spatial perception. Comprehensive comparative analysis of BV indicators at different ages made it possible to clarify the timing and rates of heterochronous maturation of individual mechanisms and the age of reaching the maximum level before the outlined weakening of functions. It has been established that the fastest rates of increase in the contribution of binocular mechanisms to spatial perception and improvements towards various indicators of biological health are characteristic for the period from 6–7 to 9–10 years. According to average data, fusional reserves reach maximum values at 12–13 years old, binocular stereovision acuity and binocular integration rate at 14–15 years old. A tendency towards decrease in the functional parameters of BV in adolescence was revealed, which may be associated with the natural age-related processes of the gradual loss of plasticity of visual mechanisms after their full maturation, as well as with the influence of various unfavorable factors. In the course of discriminant analysis of the data, the indicators that have the greatest diagnostic value for characterizing the age-related characteristics of spatial visual perception in children were determined: convergent fusional reserves, stereoscopic visual acuity for a spatial frequency of 0.7 cpd, binocular near- sighted visual acuity, indicators of success in binocular integration within exposure time of test objects between 100 and 400 ms, and the ratio of the stereokinetic test data in binocular and monocular observation conditions.

Key words: vision of children, age dynamics, binocular visual system, spatial perception, stereoacuity, fusional reserves, binocular integration

DOI: 10.31857/S0235009221030069

Cite: Vasilyeva N. N. Kompleksnyi analiz funktsionalnykh pokazatelei binokulyarnoi zritelnoi sistemy u shkolnikov [Analysis of the functions of binocular visual systems in schoolchildren]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 2021. V. 35(3). P. 199–216 (in Russian). doi: 10.31857/S0235009221030069


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