• 1990 (Vol.4)
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Chemotesting of the media in the newt pleurodeles waltl under L-amino acids tryptophan and ohenylanine presentation at amino acid background

© 1994 S. E. Margolis

Cite: Margolis S. E. Khemosensornoe testirovanie sredy iglistymi tritonami (pleurodeles waltl) pri predyavlenii l-aminokislot triptofana i fenilalanina na aminokislotnom fone [Chemotesting of the media in the newt pleurodeles waltl under l-amino acids tryptophan and ohenylanine presentation at amino acid background]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 1994. V. 8(1). P. 5-10 (in Russian).