• 1990 (Vol.4)
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  • 1987 (Vol.1)

Biomechanics of the arcellar apparatus in the chordotonal organ in beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera)

© 1987 L. I. Frantsevich, I. D. Shumakova

Cite: Frantsevich L. I., Shumakova I. D. Biomekhanika artsellyarnogo apparata v khordotonalnom organe u zhestkokrylykh (insecta, coleoptera) [Biomechanics of the arcellar apparatus in the chordotonal organ in beetles (insecta, coleoptera)]. Sensornye sistemy [Sensory systems]. 1987. V. 1(1). P. 39-46 (in Russian).